30 Days to Deepen Self-Love


You know you are capable of more, but can’t seem to move forward.

If you’re tired of being held back by self-doubt, imposter syndrome, or fears of judgement, rejection or failure, the exercises in this book will change your life for the better!

By expanding your self-love and self-esteem, you will finally leave behind the limiting beliefs that keep you playing small and live the life you dream about.  If trying to be more courageous hasn’t worked for you, it’s time for a different approach. Take the first step now.

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Hi, I’m CJ Rivard, transformation coach, creator of the Inspired WAVE community, and author of “30 Days to Deepen Self-Love”.

WAVE stands for women of action, vision, and continuous evolution, and my mission is to help women move past their self-doubt and fears so that they can become the creators of the lives and inspired impact they dream of having. When you expand your self-love and self-esteem, you’ll begin to move out of fear, embrace your personal power and create ripples of positive impact in your world.

I hope you’ll join us on this growth journey, and together we’ll create an Inspired WAVE of positive impact!

Empowering community for women seeking growth, impact & purposeful lives.