Troubleshooting in Business: Thriving Through Challenges

Every business owner knows that sinking feeling of unexpected glitches that come up at the most inopportune times. Whether it’s a technological malfunction or an unforeseen challenge with a team member, disruptions are inevitable.

The question isn’t if it will happen, but rather, how will you handle it when it does? Here are some tried and true strategies to help you navigate those tricky moments with grace and resilience.

For those who prefer to watch or listen to our trainings, here’s our podcast on this topic – “Business problem solving techniques.” 

Embrace the Inevitable

Problems will arise; it’s a given. Especially in this age of technology, technical hiccups are way more common than we’d like. When the unexpected or inconvenient happens, start by shifting your attention to solution finding rather than being in the problem.

TIP: Before the next roadbump arrives to slow you down, think about ways that you can be proactive. Brainstorm all of the potential problems you can anticipate, and create contingency plans to help you navigate during the next storm.

Emotional Intelligence is Key

EQ is the skill set that allows us to recognize and manage our own emotions as well as others. When things don’t go smoothly and you’re under pressure, it’s natural to feel stressed or irritated.
Recognizing your reaction when this happens will help you de-escalate your emotions and redirect your focus so that you think more clearly and problem-solve effectively.

TIP: Where you place your attention will dictate your emotional response. Choose to concentrate on solutions over problems.

Effective Communication

If an interruption to your normal business activity will impact others, such as your team or customers, it’s critical to be proactive in your communication.

It is normally wise to be as upfront about the issue as possible. People appreciate honesty and transparency, and will appreciate your effort.

Although communication is often well down the list that comes to mind when you are in troubleshooting mode, it pays to prioritize it. A well orchestrated communication strategy can prevent smaller issues from ballooning into larger ones.

TIP: Lay out your strategy in advance and have a communication plan that everyone can reference when you’re under pressure and potentially not thinking as clearly.

Recover Like a Superstar

Setbacks can be a great opportunity to strengthen client or team relationships. If your customers have been inconvenienced, find ways to make it right. Overdeliver and show them that you care and appreciate their sticking with you through the challenge.

Surprisingly, if you’re able to handle a challenging situation well, it can lead to stronger trust than if nothing had gone wrong at all.

Seek the Learning Opportunity

Challenges can be gifts. After resolving the immediate issue, be sure to take time to reflect on how you and your team handled it and can do better at dealing with (or preventing) challenges in the future.

Evaluate the situation critically. What went wrong? How can you prevent it from happening again? Any mistakes can be used as learning opportunities. Whether it’s a tech issue or a team oversight, there’s always a lesson to be drawn. Taking time now for non-critical, objective reflection can reveal invaluable insights for future actions and decision-making.

All business owners and leaders know that there will be setbacks and unanticipated challenges at some point. They are a part of doing business. These are opportunities to learn if we allow them to be, and a chance to develop resilience and problem-solving skills.

The next time you face an unexpected challenge, remember these tips. By approaching unexpected challenges with a clear head, proactive communication, and a focus on learning, you can turn any setback into a win.


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