Welcome to another episode of The Inspired WAVE, where we explore business growth, conscious leadership and energy alignment, to empower you on your journey of creating impact through business and personal evolution. In today’s episode, we delve into the often misunderstood topic of intuition and the profound impact it can have in business.

Have you ever felt the subtle nudge of your intuition but aren’t sure how to harness its power in your business? Well, you’re in the right place. In this insightful episode, you’ll hear actionable tips as we demystify intuition, helping you recognize and develop this innate skill. Before you dismiss it as a mystical sixth sense, listen in as we uncover the science behind intuition and you’ll discover how it can be a game-changer in your conscious leadership and business growth journey.

What’s Included in This Episode:

1. Demystifying Intuition: We start by clarifying what intuition truly is, dispelling common misconceptions. Learn why intuition is not reserved for a select few but is a natural part of your subconscious.

2. The Subconscious Mind: Learn about the vastness of your subconscious mind, which is responsible for processing billions of messages your conscious mind isn’t aware of. Understand how your intuition draws upon this depth of information to guide you.

3. Recognizing Intuitive Signals: We’ll explore a variety of ways intuition can show-up – possibly as a thought or a gut feeling. 

4. Practical Exercises for Intuition Development: Now for the how to! Practice this exercise to begin to recognize your intuition. 

5. Overcoming Doubt and Starting Small: We’ll address common doubts about intuitive abilities and you’ll learn how your belief and intention plays a crucial role. Approach your practice and intuition development with curiosity, starting with simple, fun questions that pave the way for more profound insights.

As you embark on the journey of developing your intuition, you’ll discover the profound impact it can have on your business and life. Unleash a world of intuitive ideas and downloads that will shape your aligned path and inevitable success.

Tune in and open yourself to the exciting realm of intuition, unlocking the potential for aligned business action and personal growth.  Thank you for being part of our conscious community, and we look forward to evolving together.

Show Resources Mentioned:

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CJ Rivard 1:15

Welcome to the show. I'm guessing you've probably heard a bit about intuition and how valuable it can be in your business, right? So are you using it? Turns out there's a lot of information out there about the value for business, but not a lot of guidance on how to go about it. So today, I'm going to be sharing some actionable tips that will allow you to begin to recognize your intuition and start to develop it. So stay tuned.

CJ Rivard 1:44

Now, before we really dive in, I just want to get clear on what I'm talking about when I say intuition, because I find there's a lot of misleading or confusing information out there. There's even intuition experts who go on to talk about the developing of the sixth sense or what's known as the Clairs, and that's something completely different. That's not what I'm talking about. And this confusion, no wonder people close off to the conversation around intuition and they think, Oh, that's not for me. I don't have that. That's not available to me. That's just a special gift for some people. I used to be like that. I was like, I don't think I've got it.

CJ Rivard 2:30

Which is a falsehood because we all have it. It lives in our subconscious. And if you still wonder about that, I invite you to Google some scientific articles on the topic. It's part of your subconscious, and we all have it. That's what we're going to dig into today. The exciting thing is you already have it. So a simple way to think about intuition is that it's the ability to understand something without conscious reasoning because it comes from your subconscious. So remember, your subconscious is that part of your brain, 95% of your brain activity that your conscious mind isn't aware of. It's vast, and it takes in billions of messages all day every day from your five senses, billions of messages. So, of course, that little 5% of your brain activity, that is your conscious awareness, can't possibly take in all of that. So there's a part of your brain called the reticular activating system that filters it. It filters the information and gives your conscious brain the bits that are relevant to it. But all that other stuff is still there. It's just living in your subconscious, so you're not aware of it.

CJ Rivard 3:59

I think we've all had this experience before. Just imagine that you've just decided to buy a car and you've figured out the make you want and the color. Guess what happens next? You start seeing it everywhere, don't you? You see that exact car everywhere. Now, of course, the manufacturer didn't start putting more of those cars on the road. You're just noticing it because it's relevant to you. But just like that information was always there and you weren't aware of it, there are billions of bits of information that we take in every day that we're not aware of, but that your intuition has access to. It's just this deep, vast, amazing vault of knowledge that you have access to through your intuition. And intuition is often thought of or spoken of as just a feeling or a knowing and different people experience it differently. So it could come to you as a thought and you don't know how you know it, you just know it, or it could be a feeling. A lot of people talk about a gut feeling, a gut instinct, or it could be a feeling elsewhere in your body that's just giving you a signal that something's good or bad, right or wrong, that thing.

CJ Rivard 5:30

And you don't know where it's coming from, but you just know something. I bet if you think about it, you'll be able to recognize a time when that's happened for you, and maybe you just didn't put words to it. Think back for a minute now and try and remember a time like that. And this has two purposes. Number one, I'd like you to recognize and prove to yourself that you already have intuition. It's there. You just haven't developed it yet. Number two, if you can remember a time it's come in for you, then you will recognize how it shows up for you so you know what to look for in the future. So that's the whole point of thinking back and trying to remember a time. If you can't remember a time, it's totally fine. You can still do it. It does not mean you don't have intuition. It just means you're going to have to be open to it coming in in a variety of ways and just see what bubbles up for you.

CJ Rivard 6:34

So you're ready for the practice exercise? I'm going to invite you to think of something you've been contemplating that you wouldn't mind some guidance on, and you're going to set the intention that you're going to be open to some intuitive guidance on this topic, okay?

CJ Rivard 6:55

After you've figured out the topic, I'd like you to craft an open-ended question using the word how or what. I'm giving you those words specifically because quite often, we can go down the wrong path asking questions that our subconscious doesn't have the answers to. A little bit of fortune-telling, if you will, and your subconscious can't do that. So if you stick to how or what questions, it's going to work better for you. You may get an answer. And just be curious, open and curious, and have fun with it. I wonder how I'm going to be able to develop my intuition better. I wonder what my next step should be with that project, that kind of thing. Just put it out there, and you're going to relax then and stop thinking about it. Now, there's two more points before you stop thinking about it I want to make. First, you have to set the intention that this will work and you are going to receive guidance from your intuition. And remember, intention is the most powerful thought form, and that's going to get the wheels in motion for you for this to happen. And then the second thing I invite you to do is to just get quiet, focus inward, and say the question out loud, the open-ended question, and then say it twice internally because your brain is going to hear that different ways.

CJ Rivard 8:51

So do it out loud and internally. And your subconscious doesn't like open-ended loops. So when you ask that open-ended question, it's going to try and close the loop for you and give you some guidance and some answers. So it's very exciting, very fun. So then you relax and you go about your day. And typically, what happens is intuitive ideas or downloads come in, bubble up, if you will, when you're completely doing something mindless, when you're just going about, you're not thinking about the question, and you had, and you're just zoning out like you're driving. Have you ever done that? You zone out. You don't remember getting to where you got to because you just weren't paying attention. You had muscle memory. Do something repetitive, getting out in nature, you could go for a walk or a run. Or around the house, you might be washing dishes, laundry, chopping vegetables. Anything repetitive and mindless is a good time that your intuition might be dropping in, and you just want to be open and aware to that. No pressure. You're not thinking about the question, but just be aware.

CJ Rivard:

Now, I can hear you asking, What if it doesn't work? I know you're asking that question. And the first thing I want to point out is that if you believe it won't work, it won't work. So that's why you don't have to 100 % believe it will, but you need to be 100% open to possibilities. So be open to the fact that it'll work, work on your mindset there, and then set the intention and go about your day. If what I mentioned didn't work already, then I recommend you do something that involves being in water. You can take a shower or a bath. You can go for a swim or put your feet in the ocean. But water is a really great stimulator for intuitive input. So try that and I bet you it'll work for you. And if that's still not working, I'm going to invite you to step back and relook at the question you're asking because this is like any other habit or skill you're developing, you need to start small. I always say with habits, chunk it down to the smallest possible denominator or action you can take. And with the skill, you start simple, right? As simply as you can, so you're not putting a lot of pressure on yourself.

CJ Rivard:

You're not trying to solve all the world's problems. And like any skill, your intuition isn't going to come bombing in and hit you over the head the first time you try this. So make it a fun question that you really don't care if you get an answer for or not and just be curious. Like, I wonder what I would love to have for dinner tonight. Something equally unimportant like that, and just have fun. And remember that the answers you get will depend on the quality of your question. Is it open-ended? Are you using what or how? Are you attaching to the outcome? Are you just letting it go and having fun? Relaxing and having fun. I'll give you a couple of other examples. Let's say you're dating someone and you've got questions on whether you have a future together, you're not going to ask your intuition or your subconscious if Joe is your soulmate. That would be a very bad question to ask because your subconscious doesn't know the answer. What you could ask if you've been spending some time together is, I wonder what a life with Joe would feel like, or I wonder how I would enjoy spending the rest of my life with Joe.

CJ Rivard:

And the reason that's a better question is because when you're dating someone, this is a really good example, you have on those rose-colored glasses and you only see what you want to see when you're first together. So your brain is filtering and you see what you want to see, but your subconscious is taking in everything. So it may have some information that your conscious mind doesn't have access to that might bubble up as a little bit of a spidey sense, a warning, or a feel-good, yeah, that would be great. So that's just an example for you. I'm not saying you plan your future based on trying to get an intuitive hit, but it's a good example because your subconscious is going to know more than your conscious mind on that topic.

CJ Rivard:

I've given you a lot to think about and practice today. I just want to stress that, again, this is a skill, so you are going to want to be intentional with developing it and set aside time to have fun and practice. Once you begin to recognize your intuition, you are not going to believe how much intuitive ideas and downloads can come to you and the variety of applications you're going to find, both benefiting your business and everywhere in your life. It's so exciting.

CJ Rivard:

I really appreciate you tuning in today. Thank you for being here. I look forward to speaking with you again really soon.